You Can't Afford Not to Have One of These

What is the most expensive tool? The answer is simpler than you may think. It’s the one you need and don’t have. If there is a need, investing in high quality, time-tested equipment to get the job done is invaluable. But sometimes taking the plunge and sinking your hard earned cash into a new technology can bring about a lot of anxieties. Is this the right decision? It seems so expensive. Am I making the right call? Will it really do what it says it will? Among the long list of questions is the ultimate fear inducing thought: what will my wife think?!  For one family business owner, Rob Schramm, the decision of whether or not to invest in an automated length stop by TigerStop became the big topic of conversation, but he needed his wife’s blessings first. Keep reading to find out if SawGear passed the test. 

Source: TigerStop